


A socially responsible enterprise realizes that its business activity has an impact not only on economy, but on the environment and the community in which it operates as well, and chooses therefore to adopt, voluntarily and not because of legislative restraints, techniques and conducts that contribute to increase the collective good and minimize the environmental impact.

SI.MA.D.  S.r.l. chose to adopt a socially responsible conduct because we think that an enterprise has obligations not only towards its clients or suppliers but towards the social context in which it operates and the environment which hosts it as well.

In 2003 SI.MA.D.’s administrator Dr. Mauro Stancanelli obtains a Master on SA8000 organizzato dalla Ong Alisei e Università di Roma La Sapienza. SA is acronym of Social Accountability and identifies an international standard of certification issued by CEPAA (Council of Economical Priorities Accreditation Agency)  which certifies some aspects of the business practice concerning the social business responsibility:


  • respect of human rights,
  • respect of workers’ rights,
  • protection against child exploitation,
  • guarantee of a safe and healthy workplace .


In 2007 SI.MA.D.  was selected among the enterprises of Rome to participate to the formative course organized by the Municipality of Rome – Department of Politics for the Inner City, the Local Development, the Employment – to orientate small and medium enterprises towards environmentally conscious conducts that favor social cohesion.

In 2008 SI.MA.D. participates in the Meeting “Indifferent or responsible? The Corporate Social Responsibility of Rome’s micro and small enterprises” with the intervention of our administrator Dr. Mauro Stancanelli.

The same year SI.MA.D participates in the Meeting “Waste Reduction, Reuse and Recycling: an opportunity to save costs and increase competitiveness in a sustainable framework”, with an intervention entitled “A symbolic case on how waste reduction, reuse and recycling bring economy, competitiveness and sustainability to commercial and craft businesses”.





SI.MA.D commits itself to transfer at least 60% of waste to Recovery Centers where they find new life through recycling, reuse or utilization in the production of energy.



In order to guarantee peace of mind to its employees and the possibility to make plans for their future, SI.MA.D prioritizes stable working relations with contracts of indefinite duration. Constant and durable relations are also established with external collaborators and suppliers, with the conviction that a serene working environment can provide better services to our clients and create transparent and trustworthy business relations.

SI.MA.D chose to adopt organic cotton uniforms from the Fair Trade circuit: the textile sector is one of those more at risk of exploitation and violation of the human rights, because of production delocalization in countries that have no legislation protecting workers’ rights and the environment. Using cotton that does not come from the traditional free trade means to reject the logic of maximum profit at lowest cost, which tramples the dignity and respect of the rights of the workers of underprivileged countries



SI.MA.D. advertising leaflets are made of FSC certified paper and printed with ECO OFFSET process (low environmental impact): FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) is a system of international certification that guarantees that the raw material used to make a product made of wood or paper comes from forests where strict environmental, social and economic standards are respected.




In the past few years SI.MA.D. has chosen to send its Christmas greetings to our clients by supporting solidarity projects of organizations that share our ethics. In 2013 a donation was made to AMREF. In 2014 donations were made to the following associations:  La carovana dei sorrisi, Soccorso clown onlus , Mary Poppins Onlus








We decided to draft an ethic code to let everybody know the principles and the rules of conduct that inspire what we do, and to set socially responsible aims for us to pursue.